[Editor’s Note:  Kathryn Cunningham is a new member of the CWG — you may have met her in the combox.  She sent in this guest post to fill our 5th Monday.  Enjoy!]
As writers we can get preoccupied with drafts, proposals, being published or not.  It is an easy road to distraction from our “real purpose in life”.  We are wordsmiths and it is critical that we never forget the gift of writing carries with it responsibility that was laid out in a classic published a really long time ago.
“Because”, “I Promise”, “I love you”, “I’m fat”, “I’m ugly”, “I can’t”, “ I won’t”, “I hate you”………  In real life what’s the truth about our words? Our society has become desensitized to the power of the word and we publically hear and speak things that ears should never be subjected to.  We have disregarded the energy and effect that is contained in the word weather spoken, heard or written.  Experts tell us that the long term effect of physical or verbal abuse is no different.  As a long time teacher I was the most annoyed when a student would speak a blatant unkindness and excused themselves with; “I didn’t MEAN it”.  …………too late!
The first line of the bible teaches that the way that God created was with the word!  The book of Hebrews tells that the word is so powerful that it is able to divide soul from spirit. Jesus taught by the spoken word. Saints and martyrs were tortured and killed for what they spoke not for what they thought. There is no question that the word can maim. It needs to be handled with care and as much responsibility as a loaded weapon. “So I tell you that for every unfounded word men utter they will answer on Judgment day, since it is by your words you will be acquitted, and by your words condemned” (Mt. 12: 36-37).
Copyright© 2011, Kathryn M. Cunningham, all rights reserved.
Kathryn is a retired teacher who went to the Catholic Theological Union as a “retirement project”.  In addition to graduate work she is a trained spiritual director.  With a heart for informing the “people in the pews” she writes for online sites as well as local church publications. Check out more of her take on the journey @ www.atravelersview.org

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Jennifer Fitz is the author of The How-to Book of Evangelization: Everything You Need to Know But No One Ever Taught You from Our Sunday Visitor and Classroom Management for Catechists from Liguori Publications. She writes about all things evangelization and discipleship at jenniferfitz.substack.com. For updates on where else to find her, visit JenniferFitz.com.

4 Replies to “Just Words, by Kathryn Cunningham”

  1. Thank you so much. It is so nice to be appreciated, but even better to be the person with the grace to lift someone else up! Blessings.

  2. I'm happy to see you here, Kathryn. I'm the Italian woman who emailed you to tell you that your blog is my favorite. I also like your post and I'm planning to write something about this subject on my blog soon. It's a fascinating topic.
    Antonella Garofalo

  3. Our words hold so much power, and one who doesn't keep their word is not to be trusted. If only we gave God's words in the gospels so much weight! I try to recall this often, but know I fall short. Thanks for this great post!

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