Hopefully all of you are aware of the Catholic Writers Guild Live Conference, August 29-31, 2012, in Arlington Texas. It’s going to be great! It’s going to be awesome! We need your help however, to spread the great awesomeness of it far and wide.

We’ve placed a press release appropriate for your diocesen newspaper or other media outlets and two parish bulletin notices in the forums on the CWG website.

The press release can also be sent or taken to writing groups or appropriate university or college departments, bulletin boards etc. Diocesen paper tip: It’s better to send the press release directly to the editor rather than a general email. Be sure to send an introductory email with the release as an attachment. It’s always a good idea to put a link to the CWG website in the email blurb as well. Want a sample blurb? Email Member News and I’ll send you one.

There are two parish bulletins of varying length. If each member could send a bulletin notice for placement in their own parish bulletin that would be great. If you could send one to several parishes in your diocese – even better. Let them know you are a writer, a CWG member and you belong to (insert name here) parish in the diocese.

If you have any questions send an email to Member News and we’ll get back to you asap.

Thanks in advance for your help!!!

Annette Tenny is a regular contributor to the Catholic News Herald, the Charlotte, NC Diocesan newspaper. She has worked with middle and high school kids in sacramental preparation as well as the 'little peanuts' in Children's Church. Annette is currently discerning becoming a Secular Franciscan and plans to begin her Lay Ministry studies in the fall of 2012. She is also working on her first non-fiction book geared to those discerning or currently in the RCIA process.