Finding appropriate material for middle school faith formation classes can be a real challenge. Very often classes are a mix of previously well catechized youth and kids who have never been in any type of faith formation. Frequently you end up with a class where half the kids are bored or half the kids are lost.

If you’re a catechist caught in this bind – you are in luck! CWG member Christian LeBlanc has recently released The Bible Tells Me So – a middle school catechists dream. The Bible Tells Me So teaches scripture from Genesis to Revelations – from a Catholic understanding. For Catholics, Sacred Scripture and Sacred Tradition go hand in hand. Mr. LeBlanc’s book weaves the two together and presents them in a way sure to grab the sixth or seventh grader’s attention.

You can find The Bible Tells Me So here. Stop by Mr. LeBlanc’s website, Smaller Mahattans for more catechetics (and some great pics as well).

The Bible Tells Me So

Annette Tenny is a regular contributor to the Catholic News Herald, the Charlotte, NC Diocesan newspaper. She has worked with middle and high school kids in sacramental preparation as well as the 'little peanuts' in Children's Church. Annette is currently discerning becoming a Secular Franciscan and plans to begin her Lay Ministry studies in the fall of 2012. She is also working on her first non-fiction book geared to those discerning or currently in the RCIA process.