For a believer, the very act of putting pen to paper (fingers to keyboard) is fraught with responsibility that you might not even have considered.  You say that blogging (writing) is a thing you do for fun, as a diversion.  Rethink…….it’s not that simple.  If you have even a slight inclination to “tell a story” that causes you to blog you need to become keenly aware of the larger implications of that.  It does not matter if you have not been paying attention and believe that this activity is merely an amusement or a fluke.   Remember that God is always viewing things in the “Big Picture” mode and there is nothing in your life that is not part of that.

If you blog, write or story tell in any form you have been granted the role of “teacher” whether you are aware of it or not.  Remember the disciples who simply wanted to follow the Messiah who they were longing for were promptly told: “Do not be afraid; from now on you will be catching men” (Luke 5:11).  Jesus was informing them that their choice to follow him immediately made them living witnesses and teachers of others who saw them.  As a believer, your propensity to put your thoughts and experiences into a public forum immediately makes you a teacher for anyone who views your stuff.

God’s economy depends on the information highway.  In the days when Jesus lived this was made up of word of mouth and sometimes the written word which was carried from location to location by designated people.  It could take months or years for a message or lesson to get from one place to another.  This is echoed in the scripture that says:  “Faith comes from hearing the message, and the message is heard through the word about Christ” (Romans 10:17 NIV).

Today, though, we see the miracle of our own words being able to transverse the world, literally, with the push of a button.  We exist on the information “Mega Highway”.  When you write, then, be aware that your witness, your teaching, is going out to the world in an instant.  That is an exhilarating thought but it comes with a few considerations.  Because of that you have great power to influence or to provide an example for the people who cast their eyes upon your stuff.  Do not be so casual about what that can accomplish. I have friends who call themselves Catholic and then promptly sit down to blog or post and their writings contain:  complaining, insulting, tasteless language, tacky jokes, gossip, ridiculing others and lists of why life is so awful.  Are you guilty of any of these?  Before even the thought of the internet existed Paul taught us this: “Put to death, then the parts of you that are earthly… you must put them all away: anger, fury, malice, slander and obscene language out of your mouths.  Stop lying to one another….” (Colossians 3: 6-11).  As they say there’s nothing new under the sun!

Be clear that you are teaching any time you put your writing “out there”.  It doesn’t matter if you want that or not, it is a simple fact.   Enjoy the privilege of living in a time when communication on a worldwide basis has surpassed everyone’s imagination then be clearly aware that you are teaching the unchurched and unconverted exactly who and what a Catholic in today’s world is.  Make people anxious to join our Church not disdainful of who we purport to be.

Kathryn is a retired junior high teacher. A convert with a love for the Church she believes that its teachings have a more than viable application for today's world. She writes practical theological for the people in the pews believing that they have as much right to good catechesis as our youth and converts. Her writings appear on Catholic web sites and local Church publications. She has even been published in the diocese of Australia and most recemtly Zenit. Kathryn holds a Master's in Theology and is a certified spiritual director. Learn more about Kathryn at:

5 Replies to “Hey Teach!”

  1. Good post Kathryn–Thanks. You made an excellent point about being a “teacher”. We should all remember that when we put pen to paper (or finger tips to keyboard) we are representing and defending the faith. That task should not be taken lightly. Thanks again

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