This week we had our monthly board meeting and though a few off these items have been mentioned in our posts I just wanted to give the membership a summary of what we talked about and decided.
1) Local groups: While we have all the documentation now in place to allow local CWG groups to be under our IRS umbrella thanks to CWG member Tony Kolenc, we unfortunately need to pay the IRS a one-time fee of $3000 to permit us to do this. We hope to cover part of this money with current guild funds, however, we are definitely going to need donations to cover the rest and the board discussed ways of doing this. We won’t know how much we can afford until after the Retreat. Once plans are in place we will let you know how anyone who wishes to donate can help out.
2) New Website: As you are aware we have wanted to build a new website for quite a long time and while we did make good progress, our developer fell very sick. Another member has stepped up and offered to help out, so we are now working out details with him now. Unfortunately, we are stuck with our temporary site (after our site was hacked offline a few months back) for some time more.
3) Marketing Opportunities: The board discussed a few marketing opportunities and projects for our membership but they are still in the infancy stages and may not work out. Hopefully we will be able to tell you more within in the next few months.
4) Facebook: We discussed issues we were having with Facebook and whether it was meeting our needs. In end we decided to create a private Facebook group, which all members should have been invited to. If you haven’t been invited please let us know.
5) Survey: Speaking of membership needs, there will be a survey coming out within the next week or so where you can let us know how we can improve the guild. Please be sure to fill out the survey when it becomes available. 
6) Yahoo Group: In addition to the Facebook private group we are also in the process of creating a members-only yahoo announcement list to keep in better communication with our members. Only a hundred members can be invited at a time so it will probably take a few weeks before everyone gets invited.
7) CALA: The board discussed some proposed changes to how the awards operate but in the end other than some internal changes and improvements we decided to hold off on the other changes until next year when they will be announced. Just a reminder you have until the end of January to enter your SOA approved fiction title that was published sometime in 2013.
8) Officer Elections: Annual officer elections are coming up in November and members have a few weeks to consider running for one of these posts. While most of the board is willing to serve another term in their present positions, Karina would like to step down from Committee Coordinator. Please feel free to nominate someone, including yourself, to any of these positions and send your suggestion(s) to (Jennifer) at  vicepresident @

4 Replies to “September Board Meeting”

  1. The Members-only FB launch seems to have tremendous momentum. It offers the chance to connect with members and find out what others are doing. I’ve enjoyed the ideas and research of CWG members. This is a wonderful gathering place.

    God bless,


  2. Barb, you’ll have to add me or Karina as a friend before we can add you. (I didn’t know you were on Facebook!) I did try looking you up but there are too many with your name (there is only one with my name!!) God bless…

    1. Note to all: If you’re a dues paying member, Click the link and ask to be added. Unless you’re FB friend with one of the admins, we can’t add you without your asking. (Since FB prevents people you don’t know from adding you to groups.)

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