
Kassie Ritman, I love Mrs. Goodwin, and I love you for sharing this hilarious mess up of yours!

Nancy Ward, I really resonated with your insights about layering on love…thank you.

Michael Seagriff – great suggestion for a writing exercise…most telling is the way this pulled such depths of writing from you! It makes me think of the way my small, partial sketches at the zoo (where the animals give me little time to catch a pose) are more fluid, more alive, more pleasing than more ‘complete’ drawings.

Larry Peterson, you may be at your best when you get a bit hot under the collar! Hope you’ll get a streamlined version of this into an Op-Ed somewhere!

Next month, I promise, I’ll be back to blogging and get in on this Round-up myself! Thanks to you who read the work of your fellow Guild Members, and to those who submit. Remember the Monday before the first Wednesday of every month to email the link to your favorite post from the prior month: