
Hey pardner, have you checked out your fellow members’ best blog posts???

Michael Seagriff asks your help to get this great post into church bulletins. Let’s all scurry over and suggest it to our pastors!!

Larry Peterson gives a real man’s take on the hijacking of Valentine’s Day.

Christine Trollinger  – shortest post, and the sweetest!

Kassie Ritman gives some beautiful, hard-won advice that I think needs to become a much-sold book, judging from the stack of comments. Know anyone facing death, dealing with illness?

Ellen Gable Hrkach offers a very classy way of promoting self and others by providing a real service for busy readers. Brava, Ellen!

Oh, and yours truly, Charlotte Ostermann, would really like to start a conversation, and so invites you to a revolution!

See you next month for the Round-Up. Our deadline is now ‘second Wednesdays’. Send the link to your favorite post (your own, not someone else’s!) to charoster ‘at’ outlook ‘dot’ com.