Busy? Full time job + writing projects + volunteering + home schooling + committees, oh yes, there’s the family and faith to squeeze in there somewhere while trying to remain sane and healthy. Randy Hain’s been there and found “something more.” Early on, he recognized that we humans can’t do it all, so we have to make choices based on our values, otherwise we’ll leave wreckage wherever we go.

Consider inviting Hain’s Liguori paperback the next time you sit down to have a serious talk with yourself. Life constantly changes about us. What worked yesterday may no longer represent your values and goals. Ask yourself, has your motivation drifted off the mark? Does your routine still lead you toward true happiness? Randy assists his readers to probe their motivations, unearth the obstacles that chain them to unhappiness, while he encourages them to integrate faith, family and community into work and other activities.

Randy Hain hails from a corporate background, but rails against the life-devouring culture often associated with the business world. His guest contributors offer solutions that work in the life of any busy person who has realized that the time has come for life choices that lead to authenticity—life as it was meant to be, a life focused on the deepest happiness in God and those you love.

My favorite of Randy’s thoughts:

  • Corporate leaders should serve their employees by insuring an environment that nurtures growth, strengthens family and the community. People before product and profits.
  • Find mentors who will share both honest criticism and heartfelt encouragement.
  • Continually update your skills to survive in a world where the only certainty is “change.”
  • Regularly share lunch or coffee with members of your own organization and those who work outside your current environment.
  • There are a surprising number of opportunities that perfectly fit your goals and needs.
  • Crisis and even unemployment are opportunities to embrace and consolidate your deepest values as they relate to faith and family.
  • If we can overcome the obstacles to “authenticity,” you and I can make a positive impact on the world.

Embrace the REAL you:

If we stop and reflect on the world in which we live, we will surely see disturbing trends that have been years in the making. Our political system is dysfunctional and our economy is in distress. Families are under constant attack and our children are being bombarded with bad influences. Discussions about God and faith are strongly discouraged in the public square. The line between right and wrong is blurred in the name of an “everything goes” mentality, and speaking up in defense of our values often labels us intolerant.”

Change and success take courage. Let Randy Hain assist you as you make your uniquely positive impact on the world.

A retired biologist with current interests in vegetable gardening, volunteering at a local nursing home, reading, and writing. Other activities include the study of the practical aspects of applied Gerontology, splitting logs, digging for quahogs and writing blogs. https://dmulcare.wordpress.com/