Three Ways the CWG Can Help Your Writing Career in 2023


Happy New Year!

Whether you are an established or aspiring writer, or something in between, I’d like to encourage you to make the most of what the Catholic Writers Guild has on offer for the year ahead. There are three big opportunities to know about as we enter the new year:

  1. The CWG Online ConferenceFebruary 24-26, 2023

The online conference is the easiest, most relaxed way to refresh your motivation as a Catholic writer.

If you’re just getting started in your writing career, then I definitely recommend you give the online conference a try. Glancing at the schedule, it looks like we’ve once again got a solid combination of craft and business-related workshops to help you build strong foundations.

If you’ve already achieved your major career goals, last month I wrote about why I still attend the online conference after all these years. You might also consider volunteering as a presenter for a future conference – you can both attend and present (as I will be doing this year).

If you’ve been thinking about joining the CWG, go ahead and join before you register so that you get the member discount.

  1. The CWG Live Conference – May 30 – June 1, 2023 (Des Plaines, Illinois)

The live conference is being held in conjunction with the Association of Catholic Publishers meeting.

This is obviously a bigger investment of time and money, and it’s a different experience from the online conference. There’s a lot more socializing and meeting people, and a lot of that depends on you striking up conversations, though there are typically some more structured opportunities for networking as well.

Without over-generalizing, I’ve found the guild presentations at the live conferences to be slightly less focused on basic writing skills (though there is usually that, too) and slightly more oriented towards workshops that stretch your horizons. Prior to pitch sessions there will be some kind of opportunity for last-minute coaching on what to say and do when you get in front of the acquisitions editor.

I would say the biggest impact for me of attending the live conferences has been seeing how much is out there in Catholic publishing that I didn’t know about, and getting to meet all kinds of people who are excited about sharing the Good News through Catholic writing in all its forms.

I realize not everyone can attend, but it’s worth putting on your wish list.

  1. Volunteering with the CWG

In my experience, volunteering is the best way to make the most of your membership with the Catholic Writers Guild. There’s nothing wrong with joining just to support the mission of the CWG generally, but if you are seeking opportunities to grow as a writer and connect with others in the industry, volunteering lets you do that.

Here’s the strategy I recommend:

  • Pick a project or Guild activity that you are truly passionate about. You’ll be at your best when working on something that matters to you, and you’re most likely to spark lasting friendships when you’re around people who share your priorities and interests.
  • Choose a kind of volunteering that works with your personality and talents. Pick something fun and that you know you can do well – something that’s energizing and allows you to shine.

And that’s it. Scope out how much time you can commit, then set a “renewal date” for your commitment down the road, when you’ll pause and consider whether to continue with that activity or pass the baton to someone else.

If you hear about an opportunity that interests you but is a little more of a commitment than you’re ready for, ask if it’s possible to contribute to just a smaller piece of the overall job. That’s not always realistic, but when it is, believe me: The person you end up assisting is grateful you came along to lighten their load.

Good Luck with Your Writing in 2023

I know very well that not everyone can or should follow-up on all three of these opportunities. I put them out there for your consideration, but it’s up to you to be discerning. Let me encourage you, above all, to take a moment right now at the start of the year to give thanks for all the crazy things God has planned for your life.

May all those plot twists and surprise endings bring you ever closer to Jesus Christ. Amen.

Copyright 2023 – Jennifer Fitz

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Jennifer Fitz is the author of The How-to Book of Evangelization: Everything You Need to Know But No One Ever Taught You from Our Sunday Visitor and Classroom Management for Catechists from Liguori Publications. She writes about all things evangelization and discipleship at For updates on where else to find her, visit