Holy Enough

Everything in life is a cycle.  Birth to death, Spring to Winter, river to lake to ocean, seed to fruit, atom to mass to energy, everything.   You could say that about the spiritual life also.  We haltingly learn the prayers, then receive the sacraments then work at “the life” and […]

What a Mess!

I must admit that as time passes I have become fonder and fonder of our current  Pope Francis.  It has nothing to do with the fact that he is smart enough to tell people the exact same things that I have been telling friends and directees for years.  Things like: […]

Faith and Comfort

So, where is it you want to go? Where is it you expect your faith to take you in life?… .or maybe faith is an accouterment , something you coyly admit to when you’re at a party?  Truth is, you really hope that people, especially strangers are impressed by your […]

Poetry Sunday

Poetry guru Katie O’Neil is a Classic Girl wh0 Loves Classic poetry.  Ken Gaertner is a poet with an eye for beauty.  Enjoy both of these “previews” of summer and the lush time of our year!  Do you remember the innocent pursuits we had to even make a “big deal” […]

Are You Twenty-One?

I don’t know about you, but for me there are certain “things” that kind of stick themselves to my recall, my brain.  I can’t get rid of them and they rise in my consciousness over and over until I “do something” with them!  This piece has one of those as […]