My Holy Valentine

Here we are!  It’s about that time again.  Winter stubbornly clings and we are breathless with the hope that grey will soon be replaced with gold and that someone will finally love us!  Yep it’s Valentine’s Day once more.  More than a hallmark holiday, the idea of love and anti-loneliness […]


As Catholics, we have a reputation for being basically incompetent when it comes to knowledge of and application of the principles found in scripture.  This is a shame, not to mention a real disability when it comes to the practice of the faith.  St. Jerome taught: “Ignorance of scripture is ignorance […]

Rock Star Retro

Whoop, here it is, Advent again!  The end of the calendar year, the start of the Church year, all the familiar characters.  In our Sunday liturgies, we hear about endings, beginnings, signs and those who remind us to stay awake and prepare.  In particular, our attention is called to John […]

The End of It All

  In November our Church calls us to remember the remarkable of the Church both recognized (All Saints) and those unrecognized (All Souls). We set up memorial tables, reverence the book of the dead and attend memorial Masses.  All the while taking comfort in the idea that we are doing […]

Hummingbird Feet

I think we sometimes become blasé at the idea of wonder.  You know, the things that so astound us that we just shake our heads and say or think things like:  “Wow, God did that,”  “That beauty is amazing, only God’s hand could have done that,” “How astounding, we can’t even […]

The Romance of Prayer

If any part of your life has been devoted to working on growing your spiritual walk, you should have some familiarity with the bible and its living wisdom.  For Christians in general and Catholics in particular, it is simply pivotal to your faith.  You might have chosen to be unfamiliar […]