Openness to Change

In our summer study of Sherry Weddell’s Forming Intentional Disciples over at, we’re moving along to Session 8: Chapter 7 on Openness in the journey to discipleship. Openness to change, although applauded in our culture, takes courage. We fear what we will lose. We fear what we might need […]

Curiouser and Curiouser

Last week we started with Sherry Weddell down the path that leads to deep, active Catholic faith. From basic trust, a person moving toward the faith might next be drawn through natural curiosity about what in the world we Catholics are up to. It’s still a somewhat ‘surface’ interest, and […]

Oz Moments of Discipleship’s Lawn Chair Catechism lesson for this week from Sherry Weddell’s “Forming Intentional Disciples,” is Chapter 4: The Fruit of Discipleship. Does this description of disciples make you yearn to be one? To know and follow Jesus as close as his best friends? “Disciples pray with passion. Disciples worship. Disciples […]