Between Worlds

A short story— Shailyn jerked upright in bed, jolted from the other world back into her own. The usual, odd discomfort dogged her as she peeled back the heavy bed covers, then trod to the bathroom for her daily ablutions. I belong there haunted her thoughts as she tugged on her […]

By a Thread

What would it take for you to physically plunge into a crowd, at risk of great personal embarrassment, just to get a one in a million chance to touch the most famous person of your day? Desperation mixed with some frustration.  It was financial ruin, total loss of health and […]

Healer: A Novel, by John M. Wills

Healer reminds me of a Norman Rockwell print. Rockwell could transform the most ordinary, everyday events into the most extraordinary images. He filled his portraits with warm, happy, generous, uplifting people. Hidden among a cohort of typical high school kids, Wills finds the extraordinary, the superhero — the healer. Of […]