Preparing for the End

I don’t know about you, but everywhere I turn lately, there seems to be some prophetic warning about an impending economic and social collapse coming to America. Secular financial experts are saying it. Evangelical Protestant pastors are saying it. Catholic evangelists are saying it. There appears to be a common […]

Laudato Si, by Pope Francis

The scientific community, particularly ecologists and economists have praised Pope Francis for his leadership in the discussion of the environment and the dangers of climate change. Laudato Si has addressed scores of topics related to the common good, with a more intense focus on human life, not only the lives […]

June Round-Up

I have a sneaking suspicion ya’ll think the Round-Up is for a small group of insiders, but you’re wrong! This monthly collection is for all Guild Members who blog. Share your own best, or favorite, post from the prior month, and take a peek at the blogs of your fellow […]