CWG Book Blast: “In The Footsteps of St. Thérèse – How To Be Single But Not Alone,” by Teresita “Terri” Ong

This month, the Catholic Writers’ Guild is touring Guildie Teresita “Terri” Ong’s book, “In The Footsteps of St. Thérèse – How To Be Single But Not Alone,” It has the CWG Seal of Approval. Her book is about the “little way” of St. Thérèse, whose footsteps are presented as an answer to […]

Turning in Circles, by Michelle Buckman

Within a sleepy farm community along the South Carolina coast, two families coexist. The Thaines and their neighbors enjoy hard work, hospitality, horseback riding, pie, ice tea, kittens, and each other. The Darlingtons favor extortion, white privilege, domination, abuse, dog fights, and freedom from the consequences of their nefarious activities. […]

It’s Perfect – Not!

By Janice Lane Palko It was Father’s Day weekend thirty-one years ago. Married only a couple of years, my husband and I had moved into our first house that previous January. We’d spent that spring painting, wallpapering—the things you do to get a home into shape. On Saturday of that […]