Seat in the seat

We writers have a strange approach/avoidance thing going on with writing, like teenagers with their parents. I find that most young writers want to have written, but few like to write. They’ll find anything else to do, even unpleasant chores, rather than write – do dishes, vacuum the house, take […]

Busting Writer’s Block

Last week, I talked about writer’s block being a lie that keeps writers from their dreams because it hides the real reason writers don’t produce: 1. Intimidation2. Sloth3. Perfectionism4. Guilt5. Rather talk about being a writer than write Regardless of the reason, hiding behind writer’s block will stop you from […]

God’s Pencils

“I am nothing.  He is everything. I do nothing on my own.  He does it.  That is what I am:  God’s pencil…  However imperfect instruments we may be, He writes beautifully.” ~Mother Teresa Ever since I can remember, thinking was what I did most.  Thinking, daydreaming, people watching, quiet contemplation, […]