Where to begin?

Everyone has learned from Aristotle that a story must have a beginning, a middle, and an end. Most stories fail at the beginning, because an agent or editor will read only a few paragraphs, maybe a few pages, looking for reasons to reject it. That’s why the opening must capture […]

What’s Up, CWG?

Happy Friday! I am so looking forward to the weekend, but there’s always so much to do–and it starts with telling all of you about the exciting stuff going on with CWG! We had our officer’s meeting last night–what a crazy thing that was! You’d think getting 5 people together […]

Changing Roles

Last week was one of my favorite weeks of the year: the Catholic Writers Conference Online. I’m in a season of life where traveling isn’t feasible very often, which makes this chance to network and share with other Catholic writers even more meaningful for me. You see, I’m an extrovert […]