Committees support CWCLive

The excitement in the air grows as we anticipate Catholic Writers Conference Live! CWCLive is set for July 26-July 29, 2016, in Chicago. The work of many committees supports the conference. During the CWG Meeting and Welcome Session – open to all – the officers, led by President Joe Wetterling, […]

Creating a Marketing Strategy

So you finished your novel! Maybe it was traditionally published or perhaps you self-published. It doesn’t matter. The box of books has arrived in the post and holding your finished product is akin to holding your first newborn. It is exhilarating, a moment you will never forget. However, that feeling […]

Rotten Potatoes

You have worked on your novel, and had it edited. Now here you are with a completed manuscript. You’re sure it is the very best you can do. You know it is inspired and that it will rock the world with its wisdom. Who should you send it to? How will […]