Nocturne Blest

As the sun drops beyond the horizon low, Leaving the crimson world aglow, I stand alone between flowers and trees, Soaking in a gentle breeze. Fireflies twinkle in fairy-land darts, Easing mind, soul, and heart. In noontime heat, I stroll the familiar beat. Stepping around molehills and brushing off flies, […]


The wonder of a child’s stare,  As once we climbed a tree on dare. The humming, buzzing bee, Ourselves did marvel at flurry-wings see. Sharp green apples snatched, High branches, contentment wrapped. Unleashed from class, Homeward dash. Friends to play, Blazing trails to stray. Holiday fun-arranged, Presents-exchanged. Growing, planning, hoping, […]

Head for Shore

The lake before me runs at an even pace with ripples breaking against the rocky, wooded shoreline. November trees adorned with crumpled, brown leaves shiver in a cold breeze. Evergreens standout, their pine branches waving as if to salute distant friends who never get any closer. This should be a […]

A Great Equalizer

Outside the sun shines on still-green grass while glistening spider webs rock in a gentle breeze. Dead, prickly flower heads bob on brown stems while clusters of rust-colored oak leaves rattle against the bare branches of neighboring trees. Even the indoor plants oppose each other in stark contrast. My green […]

No Place Like Home

Dorothy Smith surprised and blessed the heck out of my husband and me.  Homeless since her mother died in Hurricane Katrina, Dorothy is without a doubt one of the most “at home” people that Mark and I have ever encountered. We met Dorothy two weeks ago in New Orleans, the […]