A Great Equalizer

Outside the sun shines on still-green grass while glistening spider webs rock in a gentle breeze. Dead, prickly flower heads bob on brown stems while clusters of rust-colored oak leaves rattle against the bare branches of neighboring trees. Even the indoor plants oppose each other in stark contrast. My green […]

Emerging from the Cocoon

Image: Pexels.com (2016), CC0/PD Featured on CatholicMom.com I closed my eyes and found myself in a cocoon — the coronavirus cocoon of isolation. Where was the familiar life I knew yesterday? Here God wrapped me in his protection by confining me to a small space and captivating my heart. Instinctively, I struggled […]


It’s been years.  She’s desperate; her money gone, her health still declining.  She has no hope, no relief and wellness seems to be an impossibility.  Doubled over, in a crowd that is abuzz on the dusty streets she becomes part of the mayhem and a crazy idea flickers in her […]