
It’s been years.  She’s desperate; her money gone, her health still declining.  She has no hope, no relief and wellness seems to be an impossibility.  Doubled over, in a crowd that is abuzz on the dusty streets she becomes part of the mayhem and a crazy idea flickers in her […]

The Value of Face-to-Face

I love how the internet and the media-that’s-not-really-“new”-anymore has opened many doors and windows in my life. I’ve made friends who are not virtual in any way, though miles may separate us. We drink our coffee via Twitter, share joys via email, follow each other’s lives via blogs. We ask […]

Remember Your Priorities

Last week, during the Catholic Writers Conference Online, I was reminded of something that I’m going to just go ahead and remind you of, too. Because you know what? We all need to hear this. Remember your priorities. You are Catholic first, everything else second. That means your big-V vocation–spouse, parent–comes […]

Picture It! by John McNichol

[Editor’s Note: This is John McNichol’s first column for our Catholic Fiction Saturdays.  John blogs at Young Chesterton Chronicles, and is the author of The Tripods Attack and The Emperor of North America, both now available in e-book format at Amazon.  He is currently working on the third installment in […]