…sharing resources for Catholic writers

Christian Writing Today is an online resource that shares information and inspiration for Christian writers. Several articles intrigued me within this site, so much so that I lost track of time and ended up drinking cold coffee. The editor, Donald L. Hughes, himself a writer, editor and publisher, shares a vast amount of knowledge from the writing world — and yes, it was definitely worth the tepid caffeine!

One of the internal links devotes attention to the craft of writing and bursts with tips that connect us to authors we love.  Hughes shares “8 Writing Tips from C.S. Lewis,” and as an English teacher myself, I’m giddy with tip #2 where we are advised to read good books that have withstood the test of time — nothing like a good ol’ classic! And speaking of classics, in “A Short Course in Writing,” writers are urged to study the work of Hemmingway in order to improve the craft, and employ the philosophy of  “not one word wasted.”

If you don’t get your fill from a writer’s perspective, you can also browse from a reader’s view. I enjoyed reading about popular Christian books, such as Heaven is for Real, a book recently given to me by the owner of my favorite little drive-through coffee house (but don’t worry, she approves if my coffee goes cold over a good read).

Hughes keeps his audience “in the know” and it seems that one of the very best resources for Christian writers, Sally Stuart’s Christian Writers Market Guide, has a new home with Jerry Jenkins, who has been running the Christian Writers Guild since 2003 (you will want to endulge in a second cup of coffee, hot or cold, in order to peruse all of that!).

Whew! That should be enough to keep you browsing until next month. Happy resources, happy writing!
–Sally Drendel

2 Replies to “SHARED INK”

  1. Sainttheodora — thank you for your comment. I think you are right, we do need to be cautious about what sites our posts are supporting. However, if we choose our words carefully as both writers and Catholics, in speaking up we may also educate and inspire. Thanks again.

  2. Thank you, Sally, for pointing us toward the Christian Writing Today site. It does contain a wealth of information and is a source of inspiration.

    Although I read a lot of mainstream Christian material I feel somewhat cautious in posting on a site that does not align with my devotion to Mary and the saints. How do you feel about that?

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