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Jennifer Fitz is the author of The How-to Book of Evangelization: Everything You Need to Know But No One Ever Taught You from Our Sunday Visitor and Classroom Management for Catechists from Liguori Publications. She writes about all things evangelization and discipleship at For updates on where else to find her, visit

9 Replies to “Writing Help Open Combox”

  1. Yea is right…………just for everyone's info, I finally had to download a new browser. I used the newest Google Chrome. This browser was not working for me previously. But this new one seems good and it solved my problems for Blogger. Yipee!

  2. In my Catholic vampire novel there are good vampires who can receive their nourishment from the Eucharist. Since many kinds of Protestants/Evangelicals don't believe in the Real Presence they might have a problem with that, since I'd imagine that Catholic characters in the story would take this phenomenon as proof of the truth of the Catholic faith. I think what I need to do is show non-Catholic explanations for this but I don't want the story to go all 'explainy'.
    I've already done some thinking on the terminology thing. As a Catholic convert with a load of Evangelical relatives, I'm very aware of how much terminology Catholics use that non-Catholic Christians wouldn't understand. I don't want the non-Catholics (or recent Catholic converts) to feel all out to sea, but on the other hand I don't want the Catholic reader to feel I'm ashamed of my Catholic faith or trying to sound like an Evangelical.

  3. Kathryn – Ah, you did make it past the blogger obstacle course after all! Yay!

    Yes I agree, there is always a need for good adult catechesis. If that's where you feel your calling is, then go with it.


  4. Nissa, I'm going to guess that the non-Catholic Christians who would read a vampire novel are not the ones who would be put off by a Catholic character. So I wouldn't worry about that too much — the vampire would be enough to scare off all the readers who would also be uncomfortable with Catholicism.

    That said, you can make a connection with your readers of various faiths by making a point of using terms and ideas that resonate with the audience you are trying to reach. With the caveat that it is better to use language you are certain of, than to attempt to use jargon that is strange to you, and it turns out you are using words in the wrong way.

    Good luck!


  5. ……… the way, Sarah, your observations and comments on the Assumption are quite profound and beautiful! Thank for your wonderful "from the heart" comments. You have been gifted with a great clarity of understanding as well as a love for Mary!

  6. Sara: I have not actually. But as I pursued a "retirement degree" at the Catholic Theological Union I came to realize what a chasm there has been in catachesis for the "people in the pews"….the faithful that are virtually ignored! In the last two years I have been writing what I call "practical spirituality" and have been pretty well received in things like: most searched, most e-mailed, etc. Others also tell me that my stuff gives clarity to things they have "heard about" for years, literally. I'm being called to go to hard copy, I believe.
    Someone suggested that I think about catechetical material for kids. I taught JH for 35 years but I still feel led to write for the grown ups. If you want see any of my stuff, go to and enter Kathryn M. Cunningham in the search box upper right. Thank you for asking!

  7. Nissa, could one of your characters be Catholic or could elements of faith be woven in without being unnecessary? It's an unlikely pairing to me…I'm intrigued.

    Lyricalkat, are you working on religious education materials?

  8. Who "out there" is happy with the catecheis you received? If not, what have you done about that lately?

  9. I'm writing a Catholic vampire novel and though there are Catholic elements I also want to make it something non-Catholic Christians could enjoy. Anyone have ideas/suggestions how to go about this?

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