Just in time for All Saint’s Day, Lisa Hendey, CWG member and founder of CatholicMom.com, offers her newest publication, A Book of Saint’s For Catholic Moms (Ave Maria Press, 2011). The fifty-two saints are offered as weekly companions for mothers to help them with the joys and trials of motherhood. Hendey nurtures hearts, minds, bodies and souls through the communion of saints, linking personal stories, scripture, prayer and simple soul-strengthening exercises for Catholic women. 

The saints chosen by Hendey reflect men and women who “led ordinary lives and yet accomplished  extraordinary things.” She applies their wisdom to a mother’s role, particularly choosing saints that have influenced her personal perspective on motherhood.

Each weekly chapter gives a short biography on a saint, with a reflection of guidance, traditions and family activities, daily scripture passages, and a family prayer all inspired by that week’s saint. Included among the fifty-two saints are well-known figures like St. Francis of Assisi, Teresa of Avila, and Mother Teresa, as well as lesser known intercessors like Josephine Bakhita and Mother Theodore’ Guerin. Each chapter also ends with a discussion prompt or journaling question for the week.

James Martin, S.J., author of My Life With the Saints, writes, “Every time a Catholic mother asks what author she should read, I have a ready answer: Lisa Hendey. Her latest book on the saints provides a rich  pattern of learning, reflection, prayer and practical Catholic-living suggestions, based on the lives of fifty-two great heroes and heroines of our faith.”

“I am so grateful for Lisa Hendey’s new book,” writes Teresa Tomeo, host of Catholic Connection. “Whether you’re a spiritual mom like me or a mom with children who keep you on the move, A Book of Catholic Saints will provide much joy, guidance, and companionship on your journey.”

Hendey is the bestselling author of The Handbook for Catholic Moms, a columnist for Faith and FamilyCatholic News Agency, and Catholic Exchange, as well as writing articles for National Catholic Register and Our Sunday Visitor. Besides founder and editor of CatholicMom.com, Hendey hosts the Catholic Moments podcast and the Catholic Mom television show. She is a technology contributor for EWTN’s SonRise Morning Show and a regular guest on Relevant Radio’s On Call afternoon show.

You can buy A Book of Saint’s for Catholic Moms online at avemariapress.com, Amazon, BN.com, or at your local bookstore. See the book trailer on YouTube at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QpictZzjL9Q&feature=player_embedded.

Follow Hendey’s book tour online through AveMariaPress
Next week  she’ll be with:
October 31, 2011Random Acts of Momness by Ginny Moyer;

November 1: There Will Be BreadParish Blog of St. Edward the Confessor, and Parish Blog of the Church of the Immaculate Conception by Fran Rossi Szpylczyn; 

November 7: Faith Filled Mom by Lori Hadorn-Disselkamp
November 8Call to Holiness by John Clem
And November 9View from the Domestic Church by Donna-Marie Cooper O’Boyle

Don’t forget CWG’s Sunday Night Live Chat at the CWG website from 9-11 p.m. EST. You can reach the chat room on the catholicwritersguild.com website or click here.