And a chance to win a copy! (read on…)

This week CWG Vice President Ellen Hrkach’s new novel, Stealing Jenny, climbed to number one in “Religious/Liturgical Drama” on Amazon Kindle. Ellen’s award-winning historical romance, In Name Only, continues to be in the top 100 in Religious Fiction on Amazon Kindle

Stealing Jenny tells the story of Jenny Callahan, a pregnant mother expecting  her sixth child after three heartbreaking miscarriages. A neighbor, however, secretly hatches a sinister plot which will find Jenny and her unborn baby fighting for their lives.

Lisa Hendey of and author of A Book of Saints for Catholic Moms called Stealing Jenny “a gripping novel filled with engaging characters, a compelling mystery and a message which underscores the precious dignity of life. I literally couldn’t put it down and give Stealing Jenny my highest recommendation.”

With her husband, James, Ellen also are the creators of the Family Life cartoons which appear in Family Foundations magazine and on numerous other websites. Ascension Press will be using two of their cartoons for an upcoming publication. Their newest cartoon is entitled “Request Backup” and was recently posted on Ellen’s blog at

Stealing Jenny is available on Amazon Kindle. In Name Only can be purchased on Amazon and Smashwords.

Ellen is a freelance writer, award-winning novelist, CWG Vice President, speaker, NFP teacher, and Marriage Preparation Instructor. She is also wife to her husband, James, and mother to their five sons.

Ellen is offering one free print copy and 2 Kindle copies of Stealing Jenny! Comment for a chance to win.

5 Replies to “CWG NEWS”

  1. Ed and Renee, since you are the only two who have posted, I'm going to send you both a print copy of Stealing Jenny. Ed and Renee, can you email me ellengablehrkach (at) with your mailing address?

  2. Glad I saw this contest to win a print copy since it's not available on Nook


  3. Thanks, Ed! You're entered in the contest to win a free book…I gave a talk on "marketing your self-published book" at the CWG Live Conference in August and talked about how I market. Too much to go into on the blog, but I will be doing the same talk at the CWG Online Conference in March…

  4. Wow, Ellen! I guess I have to go to Confession tomorrow as I am a tad jealous! How do you do it? Amazing!!!

    Congratulations and best wishes for more success in the future.

    Brother Ed

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