Do you make resolutions for the New Year?

One resolution that I would encourage all CWG members to make is to write more.  Anne Faye, in a recent CWG post, talks about the value of finding 15 minutes a day to write. Whether it’s a journal, blog, essays, articles, short stories, a play, a non-fiction book or a novel, when we increase the frequency of our writing, we improve.  A fellow Catholic novelist once told me that the only way I could improve as an author was to write and to write a lot.  Most authors take a lifetime to perfect their craft.

Join a live writers’ critique group or an online critique group. And…try to schedule just 15 minutes of writing time every day.

You’ll be glad you did.

On behalf of the Catholic Writers Guild Board, I’d like to wish everyone a Blessed and Happy New Year.

Ellen Gable Hrkach is the vice president of the Catholic Writers Guild. She is the award-winning author of In Name Only, a Catholic romance and Amazon Kindle bestseller (Top 100 Religious Fiction/Romance). Her third novel, Stealing Jenny, is also an Amazon Kindle Bestseller (Top 10 Religious Drama). Her website is She and her husband and five sons live in Pakenham, ON Canada.




Ellen Gable Hrkach is an award-winning, Amazon bestselling author. Her five books have been downloaded over 620,000 times on Kindle. Currently, she works as the Marketing Director for Live the Fast, a non-profit Roman Catholic apostolate based in Boston. She does freelance writing and editing for a variety of other websites, she blogs at "Plot Line & Sinker" and is also self-publishing book consultant and a publisher. She and her husband are the parents of five sons ages 16 to 28 and live in Pakenham, Ontario. In her spare time, Ellen enjoys playing board games with her family, watching classic movies on TCM and reading on her Kindle.