By Maria M. Rivera – CWG newsletter Editor-in-Chief

It’s hard to believe it, but next month on March 2012 our Catholic Writers Guild newsletter, “Inside the Guild” or “The Insider” as some call it, celebrates its fourth anniversary!  

So, to all of you who have participated, be it consistently or occasionally… thank you. Thank you to Ann Lewis for her steadfast electronic publishing of the newsletter. Thanks to all the past and present proofreaders. God knows, to me all prepositions look alike! I’m so appreciative of your patience with me. Thank you to the committee coordinators, always checking on me, making sure I haven’t lost my mind. Thanks to all the authors and bloggers, all the article writers and saint fans. You inspire me to continue. Thank you to all those who filled out the survey and gave feedback. Thanks to all who read this joint labor of love and commitment to our craft!

Four years old! According to childhood experts a child of four should be able to show improved balance and hop in one foot without losing balance. – I think we’ve accomplished that by bringing to you a complete monthly newsletter despite the personal and competing priorities of all the contributors. Also at four a child can already cut a picture using scissors, but not have enough dexterity to tie their shoes. – Yes, we’ve managed through tight schedules and used our ‘scissors’ to cut and paste here and not to run with them.

Per your survey comments there is room for improvement, which is a welcomed challenge. As a result, the “Reading List” and “Writer to Writer” column will be alternating every other month. We’ll be concentrating on “How-to” articles that inform writers about the business, and we’ll be adding a splash of international & national writing news. To those who suggested the newsletter should be shorter… I’m trying, I’m really trying, but you know – four years old are known to be chatty. So I’m keeping in mind your comments while attempting to bring a comprehensive tool to new and experienced Catholic writers.

In addition to thanking you, I’m going to ask that you participate in this, YOUR newsletter. Even if you have contributed in the past, please continue to contribute. If you are new to the CWG, our newsletter is always looking for talent to write about saints and good books you have read. Also, if you know of any markets looking for writers, conferences or classes, please share the joy! Writing for the newsletter will get your ‘feet wet’ in a safe environment, and it looks good on your writing resume. Contributing to the newsletter is SO easy; just send an email to (write CWG newsletter on the subject line) Whether you are published or unpublished, we are here to make you shine.

Hopefully by next year we’ll be able to count to five, help set the table, leave behind our imaginary friends, and definitively – tie our own shoes!