Welcome again to our 2nd Saturday open combox.  How’s your writing coming?

Remember those goals you made back in January? Any problems, or changes you’ve needed to make?   Is Lent causing you to re-think your plans?  Re-focus your writing?

–> We’ve got the conference coming up in a week, and 30K for Christ around the corner.  If you have any questions you need answered before those begin, let us know.  We’ll do our best to answer conference questions in the conference e-mails, and for 30K either here on the blog or over in the forums.

Share away in the combox!

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Jennifer Fitz is the author of The How-to Book of Evangelization: Everything You Need to Know But No One Ever Taught You from Our Sunday Visitor and Classroom Management for Catechists from Liguori Publications. She writes about all things evangelization and discipleship at jenniferfitz.substack.com. For updates on where else to find her, visit JenniferFitz.com.

2 Replies to “2nd Saturday – Open Combox”

  1. Re conference: I know! I still need to get my schedule hammered out so I can help out at some chat sessions. Oh wait, and I’m hosting a forum, too. Eek.

    Okay, and here’s how my goals are coming:

    -Blog stuff: Pretty good other than this week being thrown off by sick-call. Hitting hard deadlines for other people is not a problem because you have to just push it out no matter what. But my personal site and other soft deadlines . . . I do that day-by-day mostly, so when the days get thrown, that’s out the window first.

    -Homeschool book: I’m not sure whether to say that’s floundering or not. Okay, yes, floundering. Lots of real-life input being amassed, but actual words on page, not so much. I’m going to put my 30KfC towards that. Which would be half a book, right?

    Sarah, how’s the Behold Conference? You are there and enjoying it, right?


    On the one hand, YAY.

    On the other hand…um. I have a lot to do to prepare. 🙂

    What is this thing of which you speak, “goals in January”? Oh, wait. I did make some…and I haven’t budged on them…hmm….

    Hope everyone else is rocking on it, though! 🙂

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