If Galileo had said in verse that the world moved, the inquisition might have let him alone.  ~Thomas Hardy

We know that CWG is an organization founded to promote Catholic Arts and Letters. We’d never want to exclude poetry from that group.   I’m Kathryn Cunningham and I’ve volunteered to be your new poetry editor.  Poetry is a different way of thinking, viewing the world.  If any CWG members are “closet poets” we offer you the opportunity to let the sunshine in and submit to our new poetry blog.  So far, the plan is to publish every fourth Sunday for “Poetry Sunday”.  Submissions are welcome at:   poetry@catholicwritersguild.com. Jen Fitz has already given you some parameters in a recent e-mail: All poems should fit the mission of the guild, pointing us towards higher things – all that is beautiful, thoughtful, reflective, grateful, sorrowful, humorous – the range of wonder to be found in every part of life.”   We look forward to your submissions and the launch for our new “Poetry Sunday” on June 24.

Kathryn is a retired junior high teacher. A convert with a love for the Church she believes that its teachings have a more than viable application for today's world. She writes practical theological for the people in the pews believing that they have as much right to good catechesis as our youth and converts. Her writings appear on Catholic web sites and local Church publications. She has even been published in the diocese of Australia and most recemtly Zenit. Kathryn holds a Master's in Theology and is a certified spiritual director. Learn more about Kathryn at: www.atravelersview.org

One Reply to “Et Tu Poet!”

  1. I want to say welcome to the new writer KathrynCunningham
    i believe that the poetry is one of the most beautiful arts, although i like very much the novels. But i believe that this organisation is not complete without poetress. Congratulations to the new member and desire the best to her and the organization. You will have more poets members in this link http://catholiclit.blogspot.com.es/p/essays-brian-doyle.html
    your servant Fonch.

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