DON’T MISS MEETING David Dziena, Acquisition Editor for Our Sunday Visitor during a moderated online chat at the Catholic Writers Guild. You do not have to be a member to attend. Spread the word. He will visit the Sunday evening chat on July 8, from 9pm-11pm EST.

David is an Acquisitions Editor for Our Sunday Visitor, the oldest and largest Catholic publisher in the world. In publishing since 1997, David has been deeply involved in author recruitment, product development, and strategic marketing for parish resources for several major catechetical publishers. He has great stories about the Catholic publishing world, and tips on practical issues like how to submit your manuscript, what’s happening on the publisher’s end while you wait, and what it’s like to collaborate with a design team! He’s enthusiastic about meeting YOU!

To attend the chat, visit, and click “chat” in the left sidebar.  You will need to have a recent version of Java installed in order to login.  If you arrive after the start of the chat (9pm EST), please watch patiently for the moderator’s cue to participate, so that you don’t interrupt the presentation.  See you there!