This handy and inspirational guidebook comes from a wealth of experience from Lisa Hendey, the creator of Her character comes through in sharing candidly so many events and decisions that developed her own well-earned proficiency in raising faith-filled children. Her abundant generosity flows from her heart onto the pages of this book just as it flows onto her website. connects moms searching for support, encouragement and practical advice from her and the network of Catholic mothers who frequent her site.

She openly shares her story of her l relationship with her parents growing up, then romance, marriage, motherhood, career, volunteer work and breast cancer. All of these life experiences contribute to her unique viewpoint and mission. As insightful as her own story is, she weaves in stories from other mothers and reassuring quotes from the saints.

She leads her readers toward the ultimate goal of caring for themselves better as mothers, as women and as Catholics by helping them take baby steps in four areas: Heart, Mind, Body and Soul.

The valuable lessons she learned she teaches in a nurturing way. These lessons cover love, marriage and commitment, parent-child relationships, friendships among women, the parish family, and even sections on adoptive, foster and special needs children and single parenting, each with practical homework that digs deeps into the readers own needs and longings. The resources listed are tremendous.

I think one the most valuable chapters deals with building self-esteem, competence and a joy for life. This involves becoming lifelong learners, balancing careers and motherhood, time management, finances, the internet and creativity.

Then she tackles the emotional trap of loving and caring for our bodies, promoting an active lifestyle, good nutrition, stress reduction and sleep strategies, and vital medical care and screenings.  The stories and scriptures offer so much motivation to take care of ourselves for all the right reasons.

A favorite section was on care of the soul covering prayer, Eucharist and Mary. Interesting stories about “relevant intercessors for today’s Catholic moms” presented Catholic saints and their unique place in our lives. Then she inspired us with ways to integrate Scripture study into our lives. Shed shows us how to give our homes a Catholic identity.

The personal stories, and quotes from scriptures, saints, popes and the Catechism illustrate so many facets of our Catholic motherhood that we can integrate into our lives to truly nurture our heart, mind, body and soul. This is a book to be shared with the young mothers in our lives, but not exclusively for them, as the ideas and insights are universally needed by all mothers.

(Publisher: Ave Maria Press)

(© 2013 Nancy H C Ward)

Nancy Ward, convert, journalist, author, and speaker, writes from Texas about Catholicism, conversion and Christian community at,, and other websites and magazines. Through her Sharing Your Catholic Faith Story workshops, retreats and DVD, she shares her conversion story in Catholic parishes and at conferences, equipping others to share their stories. She contributed to the award-winning The Catholic Mom's Prayer Companion, facilitates two Catholic Writers Guild critique groups, serves on the Guild’s Board, and speaks at national writers conferences.

4 Replies to “Review: The Handbook for Catholic Moms, Nurturing Your Heart, Mind, Body, and Soul by Lisa Hendey”

  1. Don, that “emotional trap” is the conflict mothers have between caring for themselves and caring for their family. It permeates may of our decisions and sometimes we feel guilty to take care of ourselves and other times we may feel resentful because no one is taking care of us.

  2. Enjoyed your review.

    I didn’t understand the “trap” aspect in this section:

    “Then she tackles the emotional trap of loving and caring for our bodies, promoting an active lifestyle, good nutrition, stress reduction and sleep strategies, and vital medical care and screenings.”

    Thank you,


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