The CWG Prayer Chain Post is a weekly post for members to include their special intentions by adding a comment.

 Colossians 1:12-20

-giving thanks with joy to the Father who has made you able to share the lot of God’s holy people and with them to inherit the light. Because that is what he has done. It is he who has rescued us from the ruling force of darkness and transferred us to the kingdom of the Son that he loves, and in him we enjoy our freedom, the forgiveness of sin. He is the image of the unseen God, the first-born of all creation, for in him were created all things in heaven and on earth: everything visible and everything invisible, thrones, ruling forces, sovereignties, powers — all things were created through him and for him. He exists before all things and in him all things hold together, and he is the Head of the Body, that is, the Church. He is the Beginning, the first-born from the dead, so that he should be supreme in every way; because God wanted all fullness to be found in him and through him to reconcile all things to him, everything in heaven and everything on earth, by making peace through his death on the cross.

The power of prayer and the power of people praying


O God, of Whose mercies there is no number, and of Whose goodness the treasure is infinite; we render thanks to Your most gracious majesty for the gifts You have bestowed upon us, evermore beseeching Your clemency, that as You grant the petitions of them that ask You, You will never forsake them, but will prepare for the reward to come. Through Christ our Lord.

Please leave a comment with your intention. If you have problems adding an intention, email it to Mike Hays at coachhays(at)gmail(dot)com and I will add it.  God bless.

2 Replies to “CWG Prayer Chain Post: November 25, 2013”

  1. May there be more beauty in the world and that all the blessings and prayers come to fruition. I found a place where I can send my prayers to the church of the Holy Sepulcher – – I think that our prayers have more power when they are said where Jesus walked.

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