On Wednesday, July 30th, the conference began with Mass and then our CWG members meeting. We had a few technical difficulties. James, our official photographer, was helping with those technical issues so we didn’t get any photos of that talk/meeting.

Cassandra Poppe's inspiring talk was entitled,  "Writing Through the Passion."
Cassandra Poppe’s inspiring talk was entitled, “Writing Through the Passion.”

James Hrkach spoke about "Christian Art, Composition and the Contemporary Writer"
James Hrkach spoke about “Christian Art, Composition and the Contemporary Writer”

The lovely Lisa Hendey (author, blogger, speaker) gave an inspiring keynote presentation on "Perseverance."
The lovely Lisa Hendey (author, blogger, speaker) gave an inspiring keynote presentation on “Perseverance.”

Sorrowful Mysteries Panel: Dealing With Rejection (Erin McCole Cupp, moderator, along with me and Karen Kelly Boyce)
Sorrowful Mysteries Panel: Dealing With Rejection (Erin McCole Cupp, moderator, along with me and Karen Kelly Boyce)

Action Adventure Panel with Ann Lewis (M), Tony Kolenc, John Desjarlais, Gene Wolfe and Declan Finn
Action Adventure Panel with Ann Lewis (M), Tony Kolenc, John Desjarlais, Gene Wolfe and Declan Finn

Ann Lewis giving a talk on pitching your book (or idea) to a publisher
Ann Lewis giving a talk on pitching your book (or idea) to a publisher

Self Publishing Panel: Arthur Powers (M), me, Ann Frailey and Eileen Leamy
Self Publishing Panel: Arthur Powers (M), me, Ann Frailey and Eileen Leamy

Author Reception (this is where we handed out over 200 SoA booklets)
Author Reception (this is where we handed out over 200 SoA booklets)

Special thanks to James Hrkach for the photography.

Ellen Gable Hrkach is an award-winning, Amazon bestselling author. Her five books have been downloaded over 620,000 times on Kindle. Currently, she works as the Marketing Director for Live the Fast, a non-profit Roman Catholic apostolate based in Boston. She does freelance writing and editing for a variety of other websites, she blogs at "Plot Line & Sinker" http://ellengable.wordpress.com and is also self-publishing book consultant and a publisher. She and her husband are the parents of five sons ages 16 to 28 and live in Pakenham, Ontario. In her spare time, Ellen enjoys playing board games with her family, watching classic movies on TCM and reading on her Kindle.