roundupWant to be a better blogger?

Study the blogs of others for layout, content, and style tips. Read the blogs of your fellow members to develop a network of mutual interest and support. Promote your blog by including your favorite monthly post in our first-Wednesday collection.

I look up to these disciplined bloggers for keeping the posts coming even through the summertime distractions. Please read and share the posts of your fellow Guild members. Next month, get your favorite August post to me by September 1 to be included in the Round-Up. (Send link to:

Michael Seagriff   helps us consider a truly thorny question. His is a lovely blog, too, with lots of white space, a plug for the Guild, his book covers tastefully presented, and an interesting quote-streamer I’d like to copy!

Larry Peterson  stands up for the Seal of the Confessional, and you’d better get ready to help him, as trouble’s knocking at the door. Visit this blog to check out Larry’s video book trailers. Did you know Guild members get to use Animoto for free??

Nancy Ward  always has great stories, and this is no exception. I love her use of a question at the end to goose me to think more about the message. Her blog is beautiful and spacious, and I love that she regularly invites guest bloggers (and promotes their posts!).

Gosh, now I sure wish I had blogged during July so I’d have a post to include! How ’bout you?