Summer leaves alive with shimmering green,

Or scarlet with autumn’s glory sheen,

Evoking mysteries yet unseen.

From inside my human-made abode

A window peers into nature’s road.

Smooth floors, paneled walls, wood fans cool,

Heaters and blankets hold back winter’s fierce rule,

Protection and comfort—from a human tool.

Yet from safe indoors, my soul still climbs,

Out the window to the horizon line.

As perfect as humanity can be,

My heart yearns for more than what eye can see.

Messy network of bended branches,

Squirrels scampering here to there.

A spider dances.

In webs made of air,

Creatures dare,

To live

Perpetually at the whim and providence of Him—who gives.

Safe in tight, worlds planned, unreal in reality,

We lose our hope in what might be.

To dare to dream,

In life unseen.

Where we are one with shimmering green.

Put Your Mind in a Better Place
Entertainment for Life


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As a teacher with a degree in Elementary Education who has taught in big cities and small towns, Ann Frailey homeschooled all of her children. She manages her rural homestead with her kids and their numerous critters, authors books, and writes a Friday blog alternating between short stories and her My Road Goes Ever On series. Put Your Mind in a Better Place—Entertainment for Life