What is Consecrated Virginity?

Consecrated virginity occurs when a person solemnly dedicates his or her life to live a celibate single life unto the Lord. A consecrated virgin remains in the world doing work at a job and providing for their own personal needs. Consecrated virginity is a high calling. It shouldn’t be rushed. 

That’s why there is a discernment process.

Considering Consecrated Virginity.

Part of the discernment process for consecrated virginity deals with prayer and getting wise counsel from nuns and priests. Read books about the saints. Choose a saint that was a consecrated virgin. Read the book of Psalms or the Divine Office. If for some reason the Divine Office seems overwhelming to you, pick The Little Office of the Blessed Virgin Mary. This is a shorter book. 

Spend some quiet time with the Lord. Go to Adoration. Bring a pen and a journal along. Write down your thoughts. Tell God your desire. If you feel like the call about being a consecrated virgin is defiant, prepare for the final steps. 

Unsure About The Discernment Process? 

That’s okay to change your mind early on before going further with the discernment process. If you feel that God is calling you towards marriage, that’s fine too. In the meantime work on your spiritual life! Wait for the right spouse. God will bring you a wife or husband in his own time. If for some reason God closes the door on the marriage state, that’s alright. God uses people in both vocations. 


Sometimes married life seems very romantic for singles. Old television shows like Dick Van Dyke tend to predict women singles as lonely desperate characters. That’s not true!

Some singles are happy in the state of life that God has called them to. They use their gifts to encourage friends or family members. They make homemade loaves of bread and give it to whoever is in need. They realize that they can be content without a spouse. They can be good aunts or uncles. Taking care of their nieces and nephews.

No matter what type of vocation you choose, you can still find ways of strengthening your loved ones in the Lord day by day. While you grow spiritually in the Catholic Faith, ask God about how he can use you.

Who knows what gifts God has for you in store! Just put your trust in him, and he will give you peace about your decision. Ask God to help you while you are still in the discernment process. Don’t give up too quickly, just because the vocation might be tough. God will guide you through little by  little. Each step at a time.


Copyright 2022 Angela Lano

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Angela Lano is a freelance Catholic writer, book reviewer, and illustrator. She is a self-published author. Angela wrote and illustrated two children's picture books. They are called A New Auntie's Fear, and St. Therese: The Little Flower. She also wrote a children's fiction chapter book. It is called Hope And The King. It is self-published as well. These three books are available on Amazon.