Return Home! – A Party Awaits You!

I have this habit of reading several chapters of the Bible at once but will later study
themes that strike me deeply. While I read, a verse or two got me meditating, reflecting
and praying over situations in my life connected to those verses. One of the themes that stuck with me during my reading session was repentance and God’s response to this matter.

If you are like me, I play the Toon Blast game daily on my phone. I am excited when I win, and Bruno Bear, Cooper Cat and Wally Wolf jump in ecstasy over my success. It feels so good and motivates me to play another round. I liken this ecstasy to the joy of repentance. A repentant sinner causes the heavenly hosts to jump in ecstasy, and the party begins.

Repentance is a grave matter. To be genuinely penitent, you need your entire being,
spirit, mind and body, to return to God. You may:
-experience guilt
-decide to fast
-schedule midnight prayer
-shed tears
-make restitutions
-yearn for mercy
-resolve never to sin again

At the end of the experience, you will feel calm, healed, forgiven and restored. The joy of
the Lord will permeate your senses, and if you look deep enough, you will enter and
participate in the “God response” to your repentance.

An example is found in the parable of the prodigal son (Luke 15:11-31). The Bible stories of the rich young man (Luke 18:18-30) and the Pharisee and the Publican (Luke 18:9-14) expose the Jews’ show of righteousness. However, Jesus overthrew this template of self-righteousness by presenting one of the most beautiful narratives on love, forgiveness and restoration – the parable of the prodigal

Fast-forward this event to the point of the lost son’s return. Rembrandt captured this fantastic scene in the “Return of the Prodigal Son.” If you love icons, you must pray with this one. The image is the insight into the heart of God that Jesus presented in the parable: “But while he was still a long way off, his Father saw him and felt compassion, and ran and embraced him and kissed him…. And they began to celebrate.” This is the Father’s response to his son’s repentance:

– He felt compassion for him
– He ran to meet him
– He embraced him
– He kissed him
– He put a new robe on him
– He put his ring again on his finger
– He set new shoes on his feet
– He ordered a party

These actions come from the Father’s unconditional love for his son. His son’s leaving
and squandering his possessions did not matter; his return home mattered. Hmmm!
This manner of love seems prodigal too.

Repentance is primarily an awareness of our worth as heirs of God’s kingdom and the
turning around to participate fully again in the life of the kingdom. It is recognizing that
we are not where we are meant to be and retracing our steps back to where we missed
the track. It is acknowledging the fullness of life in God our Father and desiring and
drawing from that life. Finally, it is recognizing that our sins have separated us from our
spiritual family and so turning back to be part of that family again, the family of the
children of God. It is returning love for unmerited love.

One wonders why the Father was this generous to his son. The son voluntarily chose the
part of waywardness. Often we think we have options, but do we? What will the options
cost us in light of divine transactions – our heritage as heirs of the kingdom?

The young man suffered. It was a tough place to be, especially when one voluntarily
relinquishes all the privileges of an heir. For the son of a wealthy Jewish man to hire
himself out to feed pigs is the most demeaning status to imagine. He reached this point,
and amazing grace prevailed on him to return home. The openness to the grace of
repentance that God’s love showers on humans are the enzyme necessary for the
activation of the heavenly parties.

When Jesus said, “I tell you that there will be more joy in heaven over one sinner who
repents over ninety-nine righteous ones who do not need to repent, “(Luke 15:7) that is
what he was referring to – the heavenly parties. Are you away from home? Heaven
rejoices at the return of the lost soul. The rejoicing is similar to a boisterous party:
trumpets blaring with choirs, cherubim and seraphim singing praises to God. If Bruno
Bear, Cooper Cat and Wally Wolf are there, they too will jump in ecstasy for you. Come
home! You will know the party is on by the joy you feel in your heart.

Copyright, Antoinette Opara 2022.

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Antoinette Nneka Opara (SHCJ) is a Nigerian Education professional, Author and Poet. Her interests range from Educational quality assurance, student improvement coaching, Child safeguarding advocacy and youth motivation. She is passionate about teaching and learning and enabling young people to build a faith-filled relationship with God. Sr Antoinette likes drama, music, travelling, writing, watching science fiction, gardening and reading.

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