Side Thoughts








He showed them his hands and his

side.  John 20:20 (NAB)

Just as there are various

sides to each of us, our Lord Jesus displayed different

sides of himself while living here on earth.

There was the

side of Him that:

Reached out to others (John 4:7)

Gathered with his disciples (John 6:3)

Cried (John 11:35)

Displayed righteous anger (John 2:16)

Craved solitude and prayer (Mark 1:35)

And most important of all –

The Side that took the soldier’s spear. (John 19:34)

Thank you, Savior, for the blood and water that poured out from your side, culminating your earthly work. Please guide us and prevent our getting sidetracked as we seek to follow you.


This one-minute photo devotion was posted on March 23, 2023, on

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A freelance writer and spiritual blogger, Lisa found her way to Rome via the Anglican Ordinariate. Through her writings, she seeks to encourage fellow laborers amidst life’s daily trenches. Lisa serves as Communications Coordinator at Heart of Father Ministries, home of the book Unbound by Neal Lozano. Check out her weekly one-minute photo devotion at: Lisa Livezey