Echoes from a New Catholic

Angels in Waiting

By Lisa Livezey

And the angels ministered to him. – Mark 1:13 (RSVCE)

“We don’t offer individual retreats – you might want to try the IHM Spirituality Center,” she suggested. I had phoned a Catholic retreat house, seeking an overnight stay. It was sudden – a random Tuesday in February when I was struggling to make sense of life’s unfolding events.

I had driven past the IHM Spirituality Center’s towering stone edifice countless times, giving little thought to neither the building nor its purpose. Now, as a brand new Catholic, I found myself inside this massive structure.

The Center’s director, Sister Barbara, expressed amazement at my sudden mid-week visit. Carving time from her full schedule, she guided me through what insiders call “The Mother House,” explaining the history of her religious order – the Immaculate Heart of Mary. She then sat and listened attentively and compassionately, without judgment, to my raw and recent story. “Lisa, you are carrying so much pain!” she exclaimed mercifully.

Suggesting I walk the grounds before dinner, Sister Barbara led me to the door, providing the code for re-entry. I circled the perimeter of the massive building as twilight fell. A manicured trail ventured into the woods, and therein I encountered a statue of the Virgin Mary joyfully holding Jesus as a toddler. Looking at Mary, I pleaded, “Please hold my beloved child in your arms, too.”

The next morning, when I shared that moment with Sister Barbara, she responded with heartfelt mercy: “Lisa, I feel like you need to be held.” Her empathy comforts me to this day.

I accompanied Sister Barbara to the vast, yet exquisite, chapel located in the heart of the Spirituality Center, where morning and evening prayer took place and Mass was celebrated. A handful of novitiates were present, plus older sisters serving in semi-retired roles. They all quietly and gently exuded love, surrounding me like angels – soft yet bright stars shining about my dark place. Sister Barbara said they all were praying for me.

Lord, thank you for those who lovingly make space when we need a place of respite.


Note: The above is Post #2 from Lisa Livezey’s CWG blog series, Echoes from a New Catholic. Find Post #1 from March 6, 2024, here: From Cross to Crucifix – The Catholic Writers Guild.

(photo: Lisa Livezey)

Copyright Lisa Livezey, 2024

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A freelance writer and spiritual blogger, Lisa found her way to Rome via the Anglican Ordinariate. Through her writings, she seeks to encourage fellow laborers amidst life’s daily trenches. Lisa serves as Communications Coordinator at Heart of Father Ministries, home of the book Unbound by Neal Lozano. Check out her weekly one-minute photo devotion at: Lisa Livezey

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