Soul’s Amen

A spider web in the branching trees, Sends winking glints in a gentle breeze. What an intrepid climber you be, Forever free! My little friend may claim great might. Above the landscape, amazing height. Birds flutter in anxious haste, You watch in expectation, not a breath of waste. My admiration […]


There is a vulture circling overhead, I wonder—why can’t it be a sparrow instead? The drier signals come-get-me-now with demanding beeps, I tell the dog, “Go get the clothes.” She blissfully sleeps. Sink clogged; floor sogged, Land bogged; mind grogged. Willow-whisps of complaint flitter through my head, Think of kindness, […]

See a Tree

Trees, in their giantess of spirit, talk to me on a daily basis. Thank God, or I don’t know who I’d go to for advice. It’s the end of a long day—a Monday to be exact—and as hectic, overflowing Mondays have the uncanny habit of following slow, afternoon-nap Sundays, I […]

Where Life United

Your eyes record a different world than mine, Without my music, books, or time. Declining years loom ahead, Your face lights with futuristic hope instead. Joking, you say, go back to days long past, But no return would I gladly clasp. Childhood bittersweet, Adolescence confusion reaped. Love and marriage replaced […]

There Stands Lent

I’m not overly fond of Lent. The whole discipline aspect sets my teeth on edge. Isn’t life hard enough? What good is it to offer up a bit of sugar in my morning coffee? Or stifling honest irritation over vexing situations? Strangely enough though, by the end of the second […]

Souls Do Matter

Once upon a time-ish, An ancient voice did call. Men before God responded, collecting a mighty haul. Ever the saintly clad, reason so assured, You got what you deserved, from every evil cured. In stages, God did send, Our lives in newest trend. Listen, hear, behold, How many times must […]

Mercy’s Sake

Deception makes fools of us all. Yet sometimes the truth hurts so much that we hold back for mercy’s sake. Our human journey can be a treacherous one to be sure. It’s snowing now, very cold, and more snow and lower temperatures are on the way. Our woodstove pipe slipped a […]

Between Worlds

A short story— Shailyn jerked upright in bed, jolted from the other world back into her own. The usual, odd discomfort dogged her as she peeled back the heavy bed covers, then trod to the bathroom for her daily ablutions. I belong there haunted her thoughts as she tugged on her […]