There is a vulture circling overhead,

I wonder—why can’t it be a sparrow instead?

The drier signals come-get-me-now with demanding beeps,

I tell the dog, “Go get the clothes.” She blissfully sleeps.

Sink clogged; floor sogged,

Land bogged; mind grogged.

Willow-whisps of complaint flitter through my head,

Think of kindness, goodness, gratitude instead.

At my feet, a robin does bounce,

Upon the unwary worm, it doth mightily trounce.

Not at a river bed beat the clothes clean do I,

Many manage still, with only a sigh.

Too much water, wrong time and place,

Try a desert for a change of pace.

Not-a-worm, labor-hunched, or on a barren site,

A change of perspective does lighten my plight.

The vulture swoops away.

Clean laundry in drawers stay.

Water drain,

Mind sane.

Rest is best.


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As a teacher with a degree in Elementary Education who has taught in big cities and small towns, Ann Frailey homeschooled all of her children. She manages her rural homestead with her kids and their numerous critters, authors books, and writes a Friday blog alternating between short stories and her My Road Goes Ever On series. Put Your Mind in a Better Place—Entertainment for Life