This month, the Catholic Writers’ Guild is touring Guildie Corinna Turner’s book, “BREACH!” It is a 2019 SOA award winner! “BREACH! – Rampaging T. Rex? Bring it on! Tiny baby? Uh oh! A heart-warming, pulse-pounding, pro-life adventure about taking responsibility for your mistakes–and staying alive!”



Eighteen-year-old Isaiah and his older brother Zechariah are professional hunters, earning their living culling and capturing some of the most dangerous predators ever to walk the planet. When an out-of-control T. rex breaches a tourist resort Isaiah and Zech must act fast to save lives. Little does Isaiah know that a testy T. rex and three packs of hungry raptors will soon be the least of his problems. A much-regretted New Year’s Eve misadventure is about to cause a very different kind of breech—and change both their lives for good.



Father Ben looks at me for a long moment, like there’s a million questions—a million conversations—he’d like to have with me, but of course there’s no time. “Okay, you know the chaplet of Saint Desmond?”

Yes.” Every hunter knows that one, Catholic or not. There’s not a lot of words to it, either. “Jesus, I trust in You,” is most of it.

Say that every day for a week, for, er, for good judgment and strength of will. Okay, just tell me you’re sorry, and I’ll absolve you. I know you are, but just for the record, as it were.”

I squint at the air beside his head, picturing some sort of recording angel taking notes, and mumble the necessary words. “I absolve you in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Right, you’re squeaky clean and ready to be eaten by raptors.”

I splutter, then laugh so hard I have to clutch my rib cage. “And what about you?” I demand at last.

He grins. “Not that long since I went to confession. I’ll take my chances.”

I grin back. “You’re a real cool customer, for a city-man. You know this is pretty dangerous, right?”

I’d figured that out, yes. People to save, right?”

Yeah. Let’s go, then.”


Corinna Turner has been writing since she was fourteen and likes strong protagonists with plenty of integrity. She has an MA in English from Oxford University, but has foolishly gone on to work with both children and animals! Juggling work with the disabled and being a midwife to sheep, she spends as much time as she can in a little hut at the bottom of the garden, writing. She is a Catholic Christian with roots in the Methodist and Anglican churches. A keen cinema-goer, she lives in the UK. She used to have a Giant Snail called Peter with a 6½” long shell (which is legal in the UK!), but now makes do with a cactus and a campervan!



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BREACH! – Rampaging T. Rex? Bring it on! Tiny baby? Uh oh! A heart-warming, pulse-pounding, pro-life adventure about taking responsibility for your mistakes–and staying alive!

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Michael Fraley has been editing and posting the CWG Book Blast since 2016. He's adapted the Arthurian portion of Geoffrey of Monmouth's “Histories of the Kings of Britain” to the comic page, has worked in book illustration, graphic design, and has also served as a newspaper columnist. In 2019 the story of his conversion to Catholicism was told in Nancy Ward's book Sharing Your Catholic Faith Story. His primary area of study is in the Jewish roots of the Church, with an emphasis on the Gospel of Matthew and the Epistle of James. He holds a MA in theology from St. Joseph's College of Maine and a BFA in fine art from Indiana University. He can be reached at